Golden Rice Project

Golden Rice Humanitarian Board

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Some links to organisations involved with Golden Rice, nutrition, agriculture or green biotechnology:

GCGH The Grand Challenges Global Health initiative fosters scientific and technological innovation to solve key health problems in the developing world. The initiative includes the Grand Challenges in Global Health grant program and the newer Grand Challenges Explorations grant program.
HarvestPlus HarvestPlus is an international, interdisciplinary, research program that seeks to reduce micronutrient malnutrition by harnessing the powers of agriculture and nutrition research to breed nutrient dense staple foods.
The CGIAR is a strategic alliance of members, partners and international agricultural centers that mobilizes science to benefit the poor.
The Cassava Program of the Bioversity International and CIAT Alliance is an example of how biofortification is pursued for other crops, as is happening through the HarvestPlus Program as well.
IRRI IRRI, the International Rice Research Institute, located in the Philippines, is an autonomous, nonprofit agricultural research and training organization. The Institute?s main goal is to find sustainable ways to improve the well-being of present and future generations of poor rice farmers and consumers while at the same time protecting the environment.
IRRI's Rice Knowledge Bank is one of the world?s first digital extension services for those who provide information and support for farmers (such as NGOs), it is also the first comprehensive, digital rice-production library containing an ever-increasing wealth of information on training and rice production. It provides this service using a breakthrough format that sets a new standard for knowledge and information access within the agricultural development community. Taking the very latest and best ideas from the private sector?s work in this area, the Rice Knowledge Bank is providing government extension officers, NGOs, and all others interested with unprecedented access to rice knowledge and training information.
Syngenta FoundationThe Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculturepromotes good agricultural practices for rural communities in semiarid regions, such as the Sahel, and strives to improve the livelihoods of resource-poor people .
FAO FAO, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations leads international efforts to defeat hunger. FAO acts as a neutral forum where all nations meet as equals to negotiate agreements and debate policy. FAO is also a source of knowledge and information. that helps developing countries and countries in transition modernize and improve agriculture, forestry and fisheries practices and ensure good nutrition for all.
WHOWHO, the World Health Organization is the United Nations specialized agency for health. WHO's objective is the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health. Health is defined in WHO's Constitution as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
Sight and Life
SIGHT AND LIFE is a humanitarian initiative founded in 1986 by the pharmaceutical company F. Hoffmann-La Roche as a philanthropic activity to assist in combating vitamin A deficiency in developing countries. Since taking over Roche?s vitamin business in 2003, DSM has continued to foster S&L in its fight against all forms of micronutrient deficiency. S&L covers a wide range of activities in cooperation with global and local partners and in collaboration with leading universities.

More links of interest

The A2Z program, USAID's newly-awarded Micronutrient and Child Blindness Project, will strengthen and expand upon existing programs that deliver micronutrients to individuals in developing countries. The program will be addressing deficiencies in vitamin A, iodine, iron, and zinc. The overall goal of A2Z is: to increase the use of key micronutrient and blindness interventions to improve child and maternal health. By coordinating efforts with global partners, A2Z will: build sustainable programs; implement proven interventions; initiate innovative approaches, particularly by engaging the private sector; and expand the number of countries served.
checkbiotech bringing you tomorrow's news, today. With a blend of news articles from Checkbiotech journalists and sources world-wide, a daily newsletter and a database of over 10,000 articles, Checkbiotech is the first choice for the latest Agbiotech news on regulatory affairs, research, new products, politics, the developing world and much more.
The Public Research & Regulation Initiative (PRRI) is a world wide initiative of public sector scientists involved in research in modern biotechnology for the public good. It promotes the use of biotechnology by involving public setor researchers in regulatory and international agreements affairs relevant to biotechnology.
AgBioWorld The AgBioWorld Foundation is a non-profit organization established in 2000 by Prof Prakash of the Univ of Tuskeegee, Alabama, and Gregory Conko, of the Competitive Enterprise Institute. The foundation relies upon the volunteer efforts of many friends and colleagues. AgBioWorld aims to provide science-based information on agricultural biotechnology issues to various stakeholders across the world. The AgBioWorld 'Declaration in Support of Agricultural Biotechnology' has been endorsed by over 3,400 scientists, including 25 Nobel Laureates such as Norman Borlaug, James Watson, Arthur Kornberg, Marshall Nirenberg, Peter Doherty, Paul Berg, Oscar Arias Sanchez and John Boyer.
The aim of the Food Safety Risk Analysis Clearinghouse is to assist those professionals involved with the many aspects of risk analysis as it pertains to the safety of our food. Thus, the site provides data, tutorials, tools and links to numerous sources of information. In addition to providing resources for the food safety risk analysis professional, the site also provides consumer-oriented links. For beginners, there is also a brief introduction to the field of food safety risk analysis.
MI The Micronutrient Initiative (MI) is the leading organization working exclusively to eliminate vitamin and mineral deficiencies in the world's most vulnerable populations.
AllergenOnlineAllergenOnline provides access to a peer reviewed allergen list and sequence searchable database intended for identifying proteins that may present a potential risk of allergenic cross-reactivity. This website was designed to help in assessing the safety of proteins that may be introduced into foods through genetic engineering or food processing methods.

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Grüne Vernunft Das Forum Grüne Vernunft wurde gegründet, um offensiv und sachlich über die Grüne Gentechnik aufzuklären. Das Forum will als gemeinnütziger Verein insbesondere Privatpersonen als Fürsprecher und Unterstützer der Grünen Gentechnik mobilisieren. Das Forum Grüne Vernunft organisiert Aktionen, um über die Grüne Gentechnik zu informieren; fördert die Wissenschaft und Forschung auf diesem Gebiet durch die Verbreitung wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse; unterstützt Fürsprecher und Initiativen der Grünen Gentechnik und wird lokale, regionale und überregionale Aktionsgruppen aufbauen; will einem breiten Publikum Informationen zur Grünen Gentechnik zugänglich machen; setzt sich für eine rationale Auseinandersetzung mit der Grünen Gentechnik ein und liefert stichhaltige Argumente gegen weitverbreitete, aber irreführende und wissenschaftlich nicht haltbare Aussagen gegen die Grüne Gentechnik; wendet sich entschieden gegen illegale Feldbesetzungen und Feldzerstörungen.
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