The Golden Rice Humanitarian Board
Expertise and Strategic Guidance to the Golden Rice Project
The Humanitarian Board is an honorary body that benefits from the expertise of international authorities, including
- Prof Ingo Potrykus (co-inventor of Golden Rice), emeritus professor, ETH Zurich, Chairman of the Humanitarian Board(public relations and information)
- Prof Peter Beyer (co-inventor) Univ of Freiburg (the science of biofortification)
- Dr Gurdev Khush, retired rice breeder from IRRI (bred some of the most successful rice varieties for Asia)
- Dr Gary Toenniessen, The Rockefeller Foundation (food security in developing countries)
- Dr Adrian Dubock, Golden Rice Project Manager, Agricultural Consultancy for Development GmbH, Switzerland (private sector approaches to project management)
- Dr Howarth Bouis, Director of HarvestPlus, International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Cali-Colombia, and International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) Washington DC (biofortification)
- Dr Robert Bertram, USAID Washington DC (development in Third World agriculture)
- Prof Matin Qaim, Professor and Chair in "International Food Economics and Rural Development" at the University of Göttingen, Germany (socioeconomic aspects)
- Prof Robert Russell, Former Director and Senior Scientist, Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Tufts University Boston (vitamin A malnutrition)
- Dr Sunkeswari R Rao Dept of Biotechnology, India (national cooperation in rice research)
- Prof Jean Pierre Jeannet, Babson College, Massachussets (global marketing)
Members of the Golden Rice Humanitarian Board at harvest time of the first field trial in Louisiana, September 2004.
First joint meeting of the Golden Rice Humanitarian Board and the Golden Rice Network, IRRI, The Philippines, Nov 2005.